
Results 1 to 5 of 18 in Biomedicine and Health

Cells of human connective tissue

Professor Richard Bayliss, School of Molecular and Cellular Biology, and Dr Charlotte Dodson, University of Bath, reflect on what the latest developments in AlphaFold 3 mean for biologists.

A structure of Fascin 1 bound to NB 3E11. Fascin 1 is shown in dark, light blue and green. Nb 3E11 is shown in beige.

A newly discovered nanobody, Nb 3E11, stops a cancer-spreading protein called Fascin-1 from forming cell-surface protrusions.

Prof Ronaldo Ichiyama smiles at the camera

Dr Ronaldo Ichiyama, Professor of Neural Control of Movement in the School of Biomedical Sciences has highlighted the importance of rehabilitation following damage to the nervous system.

Computerised image of brain

Researchers at the University of Leeds and Lancaster University have identified a potential new drug target for Alzheimer’s disease.

A person stands on weighing scales

Researchers have discovered a cluster of brain cells that can be harnessed to reduce food intake and body weight.