

I received both a BSc in Psychology, and a MSc in Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience at The University of Sheffield in 2017. Since October 2018, I am currently undertaking a PhD within the Motor Control and Sports and Exercise Sciences Research Groups in the Faculty of Biological Sciences. This PhD is funded through the Sports and Exercise Sciences SES-PhD Demonstrating Studentship. 

My project involves utilising a combination of computational modelling, multisensory behavioural paradigms, and electrophysiological monitoring methodologies (e.g. electroencephalograms) to investigate how humans integrate information from multiple senses to construct reliable mental representations of their environment, and then use this information to make faster, and more efficient/effective decisions. This field of research has the potential to unveil a novel insight into how motor control, learning, and performance can be enhanced within individual behaviour through the interaction of these active perceptual and decision-making processes. 

Research interests

Despite the importance of multisensory processing within motor control development, learning, and performance, the underlying neural processing mechanisms have not been fully characterised. Our understanding of how incoming sensory/environmental evidence translates into motor controlled behaviours thus becomes limited. In addition, most behavoural, sport, and neuroscientific research paradigms typically focus on one sense at a time, and do not fully consider the impact of higher-order processes; such as perception, metacognition, and action selection, that may be activated from having to integrate information from multiple senses. 

Thus, my project will address these queries through a multimodal approach that converges/utilises the following methodologies:

a) Designing a multisensory behavioural paradigm; using a sensorimotor decision-making task whereby multiple sources of sensory stimulation will be provided (visual, auditory and tactile) and subjects will make a perceptual choice (by pressing a button) or motor choice (by making an arm reaching movement).

b) Employing a computational model that extracts components of sensorimotor decision-making behaviour (leading to motor control behaviours). This will involve using subjects' choice accuracy and reaction times in order to model their performance through Drift Diffusion Modelling (DDM). 

c) Recording neurobiological signals through the use of Electroencephalograms (EEGs) and Electromyography (EMGs). for perception-based and motor control-based decision-making behaviours respectively. 

My research interests reside in utilising these converging methodologies to dissociate the mechanisms of perception, cognition, and motor control for the complex processes involved in multisensory processing. This combines cognitive neuroscience, experimental psychology, computational neuroscience modelling, sports and exercise science, and elements of Information Theory. In addition, I am interested in its use in domains of application within movement neurorehabiliation paradigms for motor control disorders such as Developmental Coordination Disorders (Dyspraxia), Developmental Dyslexia, and Stereotypic Movement Disorder. Furthermore, I am interested in its application toward sports training protocols.



  • MSc Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience
  • BSc Psychology

Research groups and institutes

  • Neuroscience and Behaviour
  • Sport and Exercise Sciences