Frank Charlton
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I joined the University of Leeds as an undergraduate in 2013, studying BSc Medical Microbiology with an industrial year.
I undertook my year in industry at Bath ASU, an aseptic manufacturing facility specialising in the production of cytotoxics, CIVAs, and specials, for use in healthcare providers throughout the United Kingdom.
I graduated in 2017 with first class honours and the Douglas Watson award for the highest overall achievement in my programme of study, and began a postgraduate study September of that year for an MSc by research degree (MRes) in the lab of Dr Jamel Mankouri.
I began my PhD in Septembe 2018 at the University of Leeds in the labs of Dr John Barr and Dr Jamel Mankouri, exploring how endosomal K+ affects the structure of bunyavirus glycoprotein spikes using Cryo-EM and crystallography techniques.
Research interests
My main research interests include: emerging viruses, virus entry mechanisms, host-virus interactions and molecular biology.
- BSc (Hons) Medial Microbiology IND
- MRes Structural and Cellular Biology