Frank Charlton


I joined the University of Leeds as an undergraduate in 2013, studying BSc Medical Microbiology with an industrial year.

I undertook my year in industry at Bath ASU, an aseptic manufacturing facility specialising in the production of cytotoxics, CIVAs, and specials, for use in healthcare providers throughout the United Kingdom.

I graduated in 2017 with first class honours and the Douglas Watson award for the highest overall achievement in my programme of study, and began a postgraduate study September of that year for an MSc by research degree (MRes) in the lab of Dr Jamel Mankouri.

I began my PhD in Septembe 2018 at the University of Leeds in the labs of Dr John Barr and Dr Jamel Mankouri, exploring how endosomal Kaffects the structure of bunyavirus glycoprotein spikes using Cryo-EM and crystallography techniques.

Research interests

My main research interests include: emerging viruses, virus entry mechanisms, host-virus interactions and molecular biology. 


  • BSc (Hons) Medial Microbiology IND
  • MRes Structural and Cellular Biology