Dominique Nielson
- Course: BSc Biotechnology with Enterprise
- Year of graduation: 2018
- Job title: Programme Analyst
- Company: BP
"I knew I wanted to continue studying science after school but I also loved business studies, so when I saw Leeds did Biotechnology with Enterprise, I knew it was the perfect mix. I get to study biology and learn how to start up a new business and the mix of both definitely helps me to stand out to employers. Enterprise has taught me to use my brain in a completely different and more creative way. I like the idea of bringing new ideas into the business place and there are students from so many different subjects on the course who all bring different perspectives.
The opportunities you get from doing an enterprise module or course are unbelievable – we get to talk to enterprise ambassadors who have created successful multimillion-pound businesses. The academics are from all sorts of different backgrounds, so there are some amazing networking events where you can build on your contacts and your confidence to talk to people. Even if you don’t study enterprise but you have a business idea, you can get funding through the Centre for Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Studies. You can use the funding to kick start your business or for market research to see if your business will work. "