Yehudi Chan
- Course: BSc Biological Sciences
Yehudi is an international student from Hong Kong, a Link to Leeds ambassador and studies BSc Biological Sciences.
Why did you choose the University of Leeds?
I chose to come to Leeds not because of their top 20 rank in the UK; neither because they are an esteemed Russell Group University but because of their highly rated student satisfaction scores. Contrary to popular belief, university rankings do not define the enjoyment and satisfaction you will receive from attending there. Leeds has one of the biggest university campuses in the UK along with the latest technology and scientific facilities.
Why did you choose to come to Leeds to study Biological Sciences?
The Faculty of Biological Sciences at the University of Leeds offers top quality education as shown by their recent REF ranking. It is one of the best in the country and the prospect of coming to another country to study was very attractive as the university has a diverse population of domestic and international students alike.
What do you enjoy about your course?
I like the fact that as a biological sciences student, I learn a bit about everything. As I'm only in my first year, I don't know what to specialize on in the future. As biological science students, we're often known as the 'jack of all trades' as we get to learn a bit of everything. By doing this, I can find out what I'm passionate about and what I'm not.
Tell us about some of the exciting projects you have completed so far?
Just recently, we completed the Antibiotics Unearthed project. This project consists of students obtaining soil samples and then screening them for possible new bacteria that display antimicrobial properties. The whole process was a rollercoaster, from isolating the organism to running 16S sequencing, and analysing the result to identify the organism. In the end, I unfortunately did not discover a new bacterial species that displayed antimicrobial properties and become the next Fleming but I did enjoy the experience that we went through.
How have you found life in Leeds?
As an international student, this has been the longest time I have been away from my parents. Living in Leeds has been a great experience as the University has made me feel welcome and has constantly offered support if ever in need.
Are there any significant differences between studying at Leeds and Hong Kong?
In Hong Kong society, people tend to be more conservative and prefer to be more closed off. In Leeds, I've made a lot of new friends where people are more open to conversation which is always good to know. However, transportation in Hong Kong is much more efficient in comparison but as I live relatively close to the University, it does not pose a problem.