Student and alumni profiles

Find out what our current students think about our courses, where our alumni are now and how their experiences at Leeds have helped them in their career.

Name Course Nationality
Neuroscience student Abigail Byford MBiol Neuroscience
Medical Sciences with study abroad student at University of Leeds Alice Compton BSc Medical Sciences British
Zoology with study abroad student at University of Leeds Ben Newbery BSc Zoology
Biological sciences with study abroad student at University of Leeds Charlotte Trimmer BSc Biological Sciences
Elizabeth Cooper Elizabeth Cooper MSc Biodiversity and Conservation with African Field Course
Emily Michelmore, BSc Biochemistry Emily Michelmore BSc Biochemistry
Neuroscience study abroad student at University of Leeds Isabella Kearns BSc Neuroscience
Neuroscience with industrial placement abroad student at University of Leeds Joanna McCarter BSc Neuroscience
Medical Sciences with study abroad student at University of Leeds Katharine Cresswell BSc Medical Sciences
pn Penelope Newman MBiol BSc Biochemistry (International)
Neuroscience with year abroad student at University of Leeds Tiffany Quinn BSc Neuroscience