Cardiovascular and Exercise Sciences

Cardiovascular and Exercise Sciences

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Sport and Exercise Science research group facilities
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1.8 billion

adults worldwide are at risk of disease

from not doing enough physical activity.

$15 billion

is estimated to be lost in global productivity

as a result of physical inactivity.

1 in 4

of all deaths in the UK

are caused by heart and circulatory diseases.

Examples of our research

Giving children in Leeds the best possible start in life

More on Giving children in Leeds the best possible start in life

How dance is helping older people to stay active

More on How dance is helping older people to stay active

Breaking free: walking in spite of paralysis

More on Breaking free: walking in spite of paralysis

Understanding ageing and heart failure

More on Understanding ageing and heart failure

Supporting patients with joint problems

More on Supporting patients with joint problems

Advising on heart transplant rehabiltation policy

More on Advising on heart transplant rehabiltation policy

Our techniques

We use a range of cutting-edge techniques and approaches across various disciplines to develop more effective diagnostic, treatment, and rehabilitation health strategies across the lifespan.

Join our postgraduate research community

Being a postgraduate researcher in the Faculty of Biological Sciences gives you the opportunity to become part of a vibrant and supportive research community.

More on Research degrees

Guidance on scholarships and help to support your application can be found on our 'Research Degrees' webpages.

More on Apply now

Interdisciplinary networks

The BRC is an international centre of excellence which provide infrastructure to support translational research across areas such as cardiometabolic and musculoskeletal diseases.

More on NIHR Leeds Biomedical Research Centre (BRC)

The Reimagine Ageing network fosters interdisciplinary collaborations to reduce inequalities in later life.

More on Reimagine Ageing Interdisciplinary Research Network
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Cardiovascular and Exercise Sciences news

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