Nick Raynor
- Course: MSc Sport and Exercise Medicine
- Year of graduation: 2022
- Nationality: British
Positive word of mouth
I knew other people who had sat the MSc who recommended it to me, as well as knowing once of the course directors. I had done my undergraduate degree at the University of Leeds so knew I was investing into a quality education.
Advance your career
What I enjoyed most about the course was the diversity, both in topics covered, but also faculty and students. There was a chance to refine knowledge on topics I had experience in, as well as gaining insight and knowledge into completely new areas.
There was always something new to learn, especially due to having a diverse range of experience and clinicians on the course. This allowed us all to learn from each other’s experience and expertise.
It has allowed me to become a more valuable member of the MDT in my sports club, rather than just an emergency doctor. Understanding more about the musculoskeletal system, and also sports and exercise physiology, has helped me integrate better into our medical team and give better care to our athletes.
It also helped me improve my minor injury skills for working in the emergency department.
A flexible and understanding environment
Balancing the degree alongside full-time NHS work and part-time sport roles was a significant challenge. The only reason I was able to overcome this challenge was through supportive and flexible faculty, who understood the nature of studying a masters whilst working. The flexibility offered to me was instrumental in me completing the course.
Next steps
Since finishing my studies I've been continuing my training to be an Emergency Medicine consultant, as well as continuing my career in rugby league medicine.

Words of encouragement
Don't be put off my juggling work and studies. With a combination of study leave, supportive employers and faculty, it can be done!