Student and alumni profiles

Find out what our current students think about our courses, where our alumni are now and how their experiences at Leeds have helped them in their career.

Name Course Nationality
Linda Evans Linda Evans MSc Sport and Exercise Medicine British
Lowri Thomas profile Lowri Thomas MBiol Zoology
Lucas Coutin Lucas Coutin BSc Ecology & Conservation Biology British
Luke Cunliffe Luke Cunliffe BSc Pharmacology (Industrial) British
Lydia shale profile image Lydia Shale Sports Science and Physiology British
Magda Hernandez, a Bioscience Masters student at the University of Leeds, sitting at a table with a notebook. Magda Hernandez MSc Bioscience American
Natasha Bury BSc Biochemistry
Natasha murray case study profile Natasha Murray BSc Zoology
Niamh Teague Niamh Teague MSc Precision Medicine: Genomics & Analytics
Nick Raynor Nick Raynor MSc Sport and Exercise Medicine British
University of Leeds PhD student Owen Cornwell in a lab. Owen Cornwell PhD Biological Mass Spectrometry
Safiya Dixon Safiya Dixon Bsc Ecology and Conservation British
This image shows a woman standing on a wooden bridge in the middle of a forest. She is smiling. Samantha Hover PhD in molecular and cellular biology
Sioned Williams Sioned Williams MBiol, BSc Neuroscience (Ind)
Toby Allington resized Toby Allington MBiol Biology
International student Yi Song pictured in a science lab at the University of Leeds. Yi Song MSc Infection, Immunity and Human Disease Chinese