Labour’s first 100 days – where are we heading on food, farming, health & climate?

The AFN+ Network will examine what the new government has done so far regarding food and agriculture - and where it's heading.

Join the AFN+Network to examine what the new Labour government has done so far across food, farming, health & climate policy, and look for evidence about where things might be heading.

Chaired by Jez Fredenburgh, Knowledge Exchange Fellow at the AFN Network+, participaints will hear from two speakers;  Hannah Brinsden, head of food policy and advocacy at The Food Foundation, and Andrew Meredith, editor of Farmers Weekly.

About Hannah

Dr Hannah Brinsden is Head of Policy and Advocacy at The Food Foundation where she oversees their policy and public affairs portfolio. Hannah previously worked for the World Obesity Federation as Director of Policy and has extensive experience in food, health and obesity policy at the national and international level. Hannah has a PhD in Food Policy from City, University of London and a BSc in Nutrition and Food Science from The University of Reading.

About Andrew

Andrew has been Farmers Weekly’s Editor since January 2021 after first doing stints on the business and arable desks. He is the youngest editor in the magazine’s 90-year history. Before joining the team, he studied agriculture at Aberystwyth University and then worked on his family’s upland beef and sheep farm in mid Wales as well as at Welshpool Livestock Market as a drover.

About the webinar series

This webinar is part of a monthly series run by the AFN Network+ which explores net zero in the UK agri-food system with leading movers and shakers. Expect deep and varied insight from across the sector, including farmers, scientists, policy analysts, community leaders, retailers, politicians, businesses and health professionals. The series is organised by Jez Fredenburgh, our Knowledge Exchange Fellow, and Prof Neil Ward, AFN Co-lead and Professor of rural geography. Jez and Neil are based in the School of Environmental Sciences, and the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, at the University of East Anglia.

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About the AFN+ network 

The AFN Network+ (UKRI Agri-food for Net Zero Network+) brings together more than 2,000 stakeholders from across the agri-food sector. This includes academics, researchers, industry professionals, policymakers, farmers, and third-sector organisations. The Network's mission is to shape the next decade of research to support and drive the UK agri-food system towards net zero by 2050.

Led by four universities, the University of East Anglia, the University of Leeds, the University of the West of England, and the University of York, the Network focuses on identifying critical research gaps that need to be addressed to reduce emissions across the sector. By fostering collaboration across diverse groups, the AFN Network+ ensures that its recommendations are comprehensive and inclusive, supporting a sustainable and low-emission future for UK food and farming.