Royal accolade for future medicines course
A course that trains students to develop the medicines of the future has received a prestigious royal award.
Professor Richard Bayliss features on ground-breaking university podcast series ‘How to Fix…’
The final episode of the seven-part series explores what action the University of Leeds is taking to beat cancer.
BK virus: a potential complication after a kidney transplant
Professor Andrew Macdonald, Pro Dean for Research and Innovation, talks to Kidney Matters about how research at University of Leeds is supporting the development of new treatments for BK virus.
“Climate REEFS” initiative launched to advance equitable pathways to climate adaptation in Asia Pacific
The project aims to advance socially equitable climate change adaptation for coastal communities that depend on coral reef resources in Indonesia and the Philippines.
Scientists secure funding to push the boundaries of bioscience research
The funding provided through BBSRC’s Pioneer Awards allows investigators to explore untested bioscience ideas that challenge conventional thinking and open up novel areas of exploration.