
Results 6 to 10 of 94 in School of Molecular and Cellular Biology

A computerized image of a grey ribosome. Threads of pink, blue and green depict the process of UFMylation.

A group of scientists from the University of Leeds and the University of Dundee have discovered new knowledge in how ribosomes – the key machinery that makes proteins for our cells - are rescued.

Professor xiaowei zhuang middle and students smile at the camera

School pupils have been inspired by world-renowned scientists as they learned about the latest innovations in molecular biology at The Astbury Conversation.

Sheena Radford

The award recognises a ‘biochemist of distinction’ whose research impact and commitment to build, support, and nurture talent has helped transform the scientific community.

Professor Sheena Radford welcomes Professor Bart De Strooper

Renowned neuroscientist Professor Bart De Strooper joined colleagues across the University for a guest seminar about his ground-breaking research into Alzheimer’s disease.

Amyloid fibril structures

For the first time, an interdisciplinary team of researchers has revealed intricate 3D detail of how the structure of a malfunctioning protein, hIAPP, evolves over time.