Dr Chris Randall

Dr Chris Randall


Upon completing my Undergraduate degree in Biomedical Science I worked as a diagnostic microbiologist in the medical, veterinary, and food industries before coming to Leeds to obtain my MSc in Bioscience (specialising in infection and immunity).

Following a year working as a research microbiologist at PHE Porton Down, I returned to Leeds to complete my PhD in Molecular Microbiology under the supervision of Dr Alex O’Neill and Professor Ian Chopra. I remained in the O’Neill laboratory for my postdoctoral fellowship, which involved the pre-clinical evaluation of novel antimicrobial drug candidates and elucidating the molecular mechanisms of novel antibiotic resistance determinants.

During the course of my PhD and postdoctoral research I developed a passion for microbiology education and, following mentoring in this area by Dr John Heritage, I was appointed as Teaching Fellow in Medical Bacteriology in 2017, promoted to Lecturer in 2020 and Associate Professor of Microbiology in 2022.


  • Director of Student Education: School of Molecular and Cellular Biology
<h4>Research projects</h4> <p>Any research projects I'm currently working on will be listed below. Our list of all <a href="https://biologicalsciences.leeds.ac.uk/dir/research-projects">research projects</a> allows you to view and search the full list of projects in the faculty.</p>


  • PhD Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Leeds
  • MSc Bioscience, Infection and Immunity, University of Leeds
  • BSc(Hons) Biomedical Science, University of Hull
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Professional memberships

  • Royal Society of Biology (MRSB)
  • Microbiology Society (Editor of Microbiology Today)
  • American Society of Microbiology