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This image shows Professor Neil Ranson and Dr Rebecca Thompson looking at one of the University of Leeds' cryo-electron microscopes

A team of scientists from University of Leeds are cycling across the UK to raise money for charity.

Dr Andrew Smith from the University of Leeds has been awarded a grant from charity Heart Research UK.

A team at the University of Leeds has been awarded a grant of £114,992 by Leeds-based national charity Heart Research UK.

pathology and tumour biology university of leeds

The University has announced 50 fully-funded PhD researcher places to unlock the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in medical diagnosis and care.

Adult blonde female

We are often confronted with confusing or conflicting headlines surrounding food and the impact, good or bad, that it can have on our hair.

Toxo in brain

Many of us commonly associate the risk of developing neurological diseases such as depression and schizophrenia with genetic and lifestyle factors, for example drug abuse.