
Results 11 to 15 of 424 in Faculty of Biological Sciences

Brown seaweed floats in blue water.

Dr Marine Krzisch writes about a recent study which analysed whether antioxidants in Ecklonia cava, a type of seaweed, can prevent Parkinson's disease.

Activated microglia (right) and dormant human microglia (left). Both images show white specks on a black background. There are fewer specks of white on the image of the dormant microglia.

A mutation in a brain defender cell is likely contributing to the progression of early-onset Parkinson’s disease, a new study shows.

An amyloid plaque in brain tissue shown by yellow swirls on a black background. Blue lines on the right show where a thin membrane was cut using technology at Leeds.

University of Leeds has received a grant of £1.1million to enable world leading research into disease.

A close up of a brown eye

Dr Ione Fine, Associate Professor at University of Washington and University of Leeds, writes for the Conversation about the latest technologies in restoring eyesight.

A minke whale swims off the Southern Moray Firth coastline

A new study shows how tiny traces of DNA from seawater can provide crucial information about the relationship between marine mammals and key prey species to support their conservation.