Professor Alison M. Dunn
- Position: Professor of Ecology
- Areas of expertise: Invasive Alien Species; Invasive Non Native Species; Wildlife Diseases; Host-Parasite Interactions; Behavioural Ecology; Sexual Selection; Biosecurity; Extinction
- Email: A.Dunn@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 2856
- Location: 8.09 Manton
- Website: | Twitter | Googlescholar | Researchgate | ORCID
My first degree was in Zoology at Pembroke College Oxford. After working as a Nature Research Warden, a Lab Technician and a Violin Teacher, I returned to academia to undertake a PhD in Parasitic Sex Ratio Distorters (parasites that alter the sex of their hosts) at the University of Leeds. My post doctoral research was at the NERC Centre for Population Biology, Imperial College. I came to the University of Leeds as a NERC Research Fellow, then as a University Research Fellow, before joining the academic staff. Currently I am Professor of Ecology in the School of Biology working on Invasive Species and Wildlife Diseases.
Research interests
Invasive Species, Parasitic Disease and Novel Ecosystems
Invasive Alien Species lead to novel trophic and competitive interactions. These novel interactions can lead to population extinctions, changes in community structure and in ecosystem function. Our lab studies the impact of invasive predators on native species and ecosystems. Parasites are also important players in these novel interactions. Invasive species can bring parasites with them; novel weapons that can infect native species. Parasites can themselves be biological invaders with the potential to lead to emerging infectious diseases. We are interested in the outcome of these novel interactions, in predicting and reducing the risk of disease emergence.
Parasites and host behaviour.
Parasitic diseases are ubiquitous in wildlife. Interactions between competitors, predators and their prey have long been viewed as the foundation of community structure. But parasites – long ignored in community ecology- are now recognised as playing an important part in influencing species interactions. Parasites reduce the fitness and survival of their hosts. But we are particularly interested in how parasites drive changes in host behaviour and life history (trait mediated effects), how this in turn affects competitive, predator-prey and other consumer-resource interactions, and the outcome for community structure and ecosystem function.
Preventing the Spread of Invasive Non Native Species
We collaborative with environment managers to translate research evidence into on the ground solutions. Invasive Alien Species (IAS) are a leading cause of biodiversity loss, and threaten ecosystem services with spiralling economic costs. For example, zebra mussels block water pipes, crayfish plague threatens our native crayfish, floating pennywort can lead to flooding. Freshwaters ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to the spread of IAS through trade, transport, recreation and environmental management. Once IAS become established it is often difficult and expensive to manage them. Biosecurity is a critical first line of defence to prevent their introduction and spread. We are researching effective, practical biosecurity practices for application in a range of field conditions. We work with stakeholders to identify barriers to biosecurity, increase awareness and uptake of biosecurity across diverse sectors.
In collaboration with the GB Non Native Species Secretariat, Sustainability Research Institute, University of Leeds, APEM , The Environment Agency, Yorkshire Water, Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority, Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Natural England, Forestry Commission, National Trust, Yorkshire Dales Rivers Trust, Ribble Rivers Trust, Dales to Vale River Network, Yorkshire Invasive Species Forum (YSIF)
Working with industry to slow the spread of invasive species
Water companies provide a constant supply of safe drinking water to homes and businesses, and transfer of water (eg between lakes or reservoirs) is essential to ensuring water supplies. Accidental translocation of animals or plant fragments during water transfers can lead to the spread of Invasive species. In collaboration with Civil Engineering, and with Yorkshire Water, we are bringing multidisciplinary approaches to develop and test new mitigation practices to reduce the spread of invasive non native species during the large scale transfers needed to secure water supplies, focussing on key aquatic animal and plant INNS identified by the EA and the UK water industry.
In collaboration with Yorkshire Water and with the School of Civil Engineering, University of Leeds
Extinction, Invasions and Parasites
Extinction is one of the great challenges of our times. Conversely, parasite control campaigns may be considered managed extinctions. In collaboration with the Schools of English, History, Philosophy and the Sustainibility Research Institute we are exploring parasite extinction and conservation as well as the impact of conservation and biodiversity loss on the wellbeing of those involved in conservation.
<h4>Research projects</h4> <p>Some research projects I'm currently working on, or have worked on, will be listed below. Our list of all <a href="https://biologicalsciences.leeds.ac.uk/dir/research-projects">research projects</a> allows you to view and search the full list of projects in the faculty.</p>
- Zoology BA Hons, Oxford
- PhD, University of Leeds
Professional memberships
- British Ecological Society
- British Society for Parasitology
Student education
I teach in a range of areas including Behavioural Ecology, Emerging Infectious Diseases, Animal and Human Behaviour, Sexual Selection, Marine Zoology, Upland Ecology and Conservation, Invasive Species, Evolutionary Biology, Ecology. I supervise undergraduate and masters projects in behavioural ecology, host-parasite interactions, sexual selection, ecology, conservation, invasive species and biosecurity .
Studentship information
Postgraduate studentship areas:
- Invasive Alien Species and novel ecosystems
- Slowing the spread of Invasive Alien Species
- Wildlife Diseases
- Aquatic Ecology
- Sexual selection
- Extinctions
See also:
Modules managed
BLGY3135 - Advanced Topics in Behaviour: from sex to death
Modules taught
BLGY1128 - Living Planet
BLGY1300 - Coastal and Upland Habitats Field Course
BLGY1304 - Research Experience and Skills Level 1
BLGY2301 - Research Experience and Skills Level 2
BLGY2321 - Marine Zoology Field Course
BLGY3135 - Advanced Topics in Behaviour: from sex to death
BLGY3245 - Advanced Topics in Evolution
BLGY3345 - Biology Integrated Research Projects
BLGY5107M - Biodiversity and Conservation Skills I
BLGY5191M - Biodiversity and Conservation MSc Project
Research groups and institutes
- Ecology and Evolution