Circular Dichroism
Using our facility

Circular Dichroism is a non-destructive method and typically takes minutes to acquire a spectrum.
Far-UV CD spectroscopy reports on secondary structure. Spectra (190-260 nm) are recorded using 200µL protein solution (concentration approx. 0.2 mg/mL) in a 1 mm path-length cuvette (can be provided by the facility).
Near-UV CD spectroscopy reports on tertiary structure. Spectra (250-350 nm) are recorded using 2 mL protein solution (concentration approx. 0.6 mg/mL) protein concentration in a 1 cm path-length cuvette (can be provided by the facility).
Temperature ramping is automated on a 6 cell changer and can be run overnight.
Circular Dichroism experiments are performed on a Chirascan Plus (Applied Photophysics) spectropolarimeter; with a 6 cell changer, peltier temperature control, stopped flow capabilities and automated temperature ramping. The equipment is easy to use and potential users may be trained to carry out their own experiments.
Once trained, users may book time on the instrument on the booking sheets provided.
The instrument is very heavily used and bookings may not be made more than one week in advance.
In order to cover the running and maintenance costs of the instrument, users are charged at an hourly rate. Contact the Facility Manager, G. Nasir Khan, for an informal discussion or to arrange a demonstration.