
Results 41 to 45 of 180 in News intray

From left to right: David Hemery MBE, Dr Dane Vishnubala

Dr Dane Vishnubala, Academic Clinical Lead and Researcher in the School of Biomedical Sciences, has been honoured by The British Association of Sport and Exercise Medicine (BASEM).

Computational image of eye sourced from canva

A biotech company and University of Leeds researchers aim to develop new technology that can treat “death signals” found in corneal disease and eye injuries.

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For the first time, scientists have witnessed new molecular behaviour in proteins that protect us from cancer.


For World Food Day, we shine a light on our food related research.

Banners in Parkinson Court South

The flags feature photographs and soundbites from Black women figures at University of Leeds, including Dr Yoselin Benitez-Alfonso, Associate Professor in the School of Biology.