
Results 16 to 20 of 180 in News intray

Fly larvae

Join Dr Gesa Reiss, Innovation Fellow in the School of Biology, at the Low Carbon Agriculture Show on Thursday 7th March.

Man holds a post-it note that which reads AI

Dr Matt Bawn joins an interdisciplinary network of academics kickstarting a new project to gain greater understanding of what Artificial Intelligence (AI) means to different groups.

Professor yoselin benitez alfonso Dr john baison

Two co-founders of a growing support network for UK Black plant scientists have been recognised for their commitment to building a positive research culture.

Professor Sheena Radford welcomes Professor Bart De Strooper

Renowned neuroscientist Professor Bart De Strooper joined colleagues across the University for a guest seminar about his ground-breaking research into Alzheimer’s disease.

Polar bear

Dr Alastair Ward, Associate Professor of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Management in the School of Biology, writes for the Conversation UK.