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A computerized image of a grey ribosome. Threads of pink, blue and green depict the process of UFMylation.

A group of scientists from the University of Leeds and the University of Dundee have discovered new knowledge in how ribosomes – the key machinery that makes proteins for our cells - are rescued.

Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry

The funding will be used to develop UK wide research infrastructure to overcome global challenges.

Prof Ronaldo Ichiyama smiles at the camera

Dr Ronaldo Ichiyama, Professor of Neural Control of Movement in the School of Biomedical Sciences has highlighted the importance of rehabilitation following damage to the nervous system.

Sheena Radford

The award recognises a ‘biochemist of distinction’ whose research impact and commitment to build, support, and nurture talent has helped transform the scientific community.

Computerised image of brain

Researchers at the University of Leeds and Lancaster University have identified a potential new drug target for Alzheimer’s disease.