
Results 51 to 55 of 111 in School of Biology

Dr Chris Bell

Dr Bell, from the School of Biology, joins 21 other budding researchers who will take forward innovative projects as part of a three-year Discovery Fellowship programme.

Seb Stroud, Postgraduate student, MSc Biodiversity and Conversation

Hassall PHD's work contributes to Royal Anniversary Trust net zero proposal for HE.

Feather Reef in the central part of the Great Barrier Reef

Climate models are unreliable when it comes to predicting the damage that tropical cyclones will do to sensitive coral reefs, according to a new study published in the journal Earth’s Future.

Examples of vulnerable ecosystems: coral reefs, savannah, temperate forests, mangroves.
Image via The French Foundation for Biodiversity Research (FRB)

An international team of researchers, including experts from the University of Leeds, has developed a new open access tool to assess the vulnerability of species communities.  

Hannah Abdly and Natasha Murray - Beaumont winners 2022 2

Two BSc students have been awarded the prestigious Beaumont Award.