
Results 56 to 60 of 111 in School of Biology

Headshot of a live chicken - with blurred chickens in the background.

A Government task force set up to find new ways to contain outbreaks of bird flu will feature expertise from the University.


A new system for sampling fragments of DNA from marine organisms drifting in the ocean is set to create new opportunities for research into biodiversity and ways of supporting conservation activities.

Flying ant

Researchers are asking everybody across the UK to help survey one of the most amazing phenomena in the insect world – when millions of ants take to the air for their nuptial flight.

Africa day logo

As the world marks Africa Day, the University celebrates its existing partnerships across the continent and looks forward to further collaboration as a key strategic aim for the future.

Fruit fly on green leaf

Heat-induced male infertility will see some species succumb to the effects of climate change earlier than thought, new research warns.