
Results 1 to 5 of 21 in Cardiovascular and Exercise Sciences

A baby clings onto an adult hand

Parents and caregivers in Leeds can receive free support in the crucial first 1000 days of their newborns’ lives as part of a study led by the University of Leeds.

A cup of coffee and notepad lying on a table

A new university wide career development package.

A woman lifts weight whilst facing away from the camera. She wears a white cropped vest.

In an interview on BBC Radio Breakfast, Dr Hannah Campbell, Lecturer in Applied Physiology, explains the rise of women weight training.

Two older women and an older man smile at the camera with their arms around each other

We collaborate with researchers across multiple disciplines to overcome major societal challenges. In this latest post, we explore the Reimagine Ageing network.

Research facilities Day - tours

The Faculty of Biological Sciences is opening its doors to give university staff a unique glimpse into how research facilities at University of Leeds enable world-class research.