
Results 21 to 25 of 42 in Our research

Exoplanet jadu

Two Leeds researchers have been accepted into a prestigious scheme to further their work in climate change and searching for habitable worlds in space.


Scientists have discovered the severity of the impact on a player’s head while heading a football is influenced much more by the speed of the ball than its mass and stiffness.

The intricate protein architecture linked to disease

Scientists have for the first time identified the structure of a protein fibre linked to early-onset type 2 diabetes.

The image shows the membrane of a white blood cell and was produced using super-resolution microscopy.

Visualising how molecules move in cells or interact with drugs will be possible with one of the world’s most advanced imaging centres being developed at the University.

Forget me not flowers

The dazzling floral displays of early spring are starting to draw to a close. But wily gardeners know that they can keep plants in flower for longer by removing fruit and seeds as soon as they form.