Student and alumni profiles

Find out what our current students think about our courses, where our alumni are now and how their experiences at Leeds have helped them in their career.

Name Course Nationality
Lowri Thomas profile Lowri Thomas MBiol Zoology
Lucas Coutin Lucas Coutin BSc Ecology & Conservation Biology British
Biology student at University of Leeds Nicola Capstaff BSc Biology
Plant Science and Biotechnology masters student at University of Leeds Olawumi Amusan MSc Plant Science and Biotechnology Nigeria
Zoology student at University of Leeds Olivia Smailes BSc Zoology
Plant Science and Biotechnology masters student at University of Leeds Philip Kirk MSc Plant Science and Biotechnology
Ecology and Conservation Biology international student at University of Leeds Pooja Balaji BSc Ecology and Conservation Biology Indian
Plant science and biotechnology masters student at University of Leeds Rachel Hubbard MSc Plant Science and Biotechnology
Zoology international student at University of Leeds Rakel Hanson BSc Zoology
Safiya Dixon Safiya Dixon Bsc Ecology and Conservation British
Ecology and Environmental Biology student at University of Leeds Sam Ross MBiol Ecology and Environmental Biology
Toby Allington resized Toby Allington MBiol Biology
Yarui Huang profile image Yarui Huang MSc Biodiversity and Conservation China