Electron Microscopy
Training and support

Our friendly team of specialists and online materials can help you make the most of our world-leading equipment.
University of Leeds users
For internal users, full training is provided for our equipment which is supplemented by our range of training resources.
To request training on a specific piece of equipment, email em-training@leeds.ac.uk to speak to a specialist.
External users
Our staff scientists also support external academic and industry projects, with services tailored to your requirements. This includes a full sample to structure pipeline, with scope for user training throughout. External users can also access our Titan Krios microscopes remotely. For further information and enquiries, visit our industry access page or email cryoEM@leeds.ac.uk.
We also host cryo-EM training courses funded by the Wellcome Trust and MRC as part of a partnership with Diamond Light Source, The Scottish Centre for Macromolecular Imaging, the Midlands Regional Cryo-EM Facility, and Birkbeck College. To find out more about the courses on offer, visit our Wellcome/MRC training page or email EMcourses@leeds.ac.uk.