
Results 186 to 190 of 424 in Faculty of Biological Sciences


The UK's leading scientific academy – the Royal Society – has announced that Professor Sheena Radford is to receive one of its most prestigious research awards.

Enterovirus e virion

Researchers have for the first time identified the way viruses like the poliovirus and the common cold virus ‘package up’ their genetic code, allowing them to infect cells.

Undergraduate pharmacology prize 1

BSc Pharmacology graduate, Ellen Packer, has won the British Pharmacological Society’s 'Undergraduate Pharmacology Prize’.

A robotic revolution for urban nature

Drones, robots and autonomous systems can transform the natural world in and around cities for people and wildlife.

The three states of myosin – at the top, in its inactive state; in the middle, its active state and at the bottom combining to form myosin filaments.

A visualisation made from nearly 100,000 electron microscope images has revealed the ingenious way a protein involved in muscle activity shuts itself down to conserve energy.