
Results 26 to 30 of 410 in Faculty of Biological Sciences

Dr Dane Vishnubala

Dr Dane Vishnubala, Clinical Lead of the Sport and Exercise Medicine MSc and researcher in the School of Biomedical Sciences, has been appointed Chief Medical Officer for the Rugby Football League.


What drives some butterfly and moth species to decline while others thrive? Dr Elizabeth Duncan, Associate Professor in the School of Biology, explains.

Eshita Sengupta

Our staff and students are helping to overcome global challenges. Meet some of the people who are making a difference.

Fly larvae

Join Dr Gesa Reiss, Innovation Fellow in the School of Biology, at the Low Carbon Agriculture Show on Thursday 7th March.

Man holds a post-it note that which reads AI

Dr Matt Bawn joins an interdisciplinary network of academics kickstarting a new project to gain greater understanding of what Artificial Intelligence (AI) means to different groups.