Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry
Our Facility
The Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry Facility is a state-of-the-art centre offering service analyses and research opportunities for investigating the mass, structure and conformation of biomolecules and their complexes. University of Leeds users can find out much more information about our Facilities at our intranet site:
The MS Facility provides access to instrumentation for performing a range of experiments from routine molecular mass measurements and protein identification to more advanced structural proteomics analyses including native MS, hydrogen-deuterium exchange MS and chemical cross linking.
We welcome all users from the University of Leeds, other academic institutions and industry. Instrument access is available for trained users to run their own samples and analyse their own data or we can provide a service with analysis performed by our expert Facility staff. We offer competitve rates for external users either on a fee-for-service or collaborative basis.
Please see the analysis pages for more information about each application