- Faculty of Biological Sciences
- Undergraduate
- Studying with us
- Our teaching
Our teaching
Our teaching
We are a world-leading faculty within the life sciences thanks to our research impact and influence, subject diversity and teaching excellence. Your timetable will be composed of a vast range of exciting workshops, seminars and private study time. However, we also ensure you have time to pursue other interests such as clubs and societies.
Research-led teaching
As a Russell Group university, you’ll get the opportunity to share in the excitement of our cutting-edge research with internationally renowned academics working at the forefront of their fields.

Flexible Degrees
Flexible degrees
Tailor your learning to match your interests with our flexible degrees and a wide range of optional modules. Before the end of your first year, you may even swap between relevant degrees (subject to discussion with programme leader).
You have the flexibility to choose to take a study year abroad, industrial placement year or even swap to an integrated master MBiol programme.
Practical hands-on learning
Using our state-of-the-art laboratory facilities, you will get the opportunity to conduct practical experiments that enhance the scientific theories you will learn in lectures. Working in small supervised groups, you’ll develop the essential skills necessary to compete for science-based careers.

Field Courses
Field courses
If you are studying one of our degrees in the School of Biology, you will also have access to various field courses and the University Smart Farm. Our field courses provide hands-on experience and an opportunity to study animals and plants in their natural environment.
Industry relevant course
Your learning will be directly influenced by industry, ensuring you develop all the relevant skills and training required by graduate bioscience employers.
Our Industrial Advisory Board gives employers the chance to shape the course and module content. All our MBiol and BSc Industrial Placement Year courses are accredited by the Royal Society of Biology.

Capstone and research projects
Capstone and research projects
All of our degrees offer you the opportunity to undertake an exciting final-year capstone or research project. You’ll have the chance to learn from and work with world-class scientists in an academic or research environment.
Develop essential skills for the world of work and choose between gaining research-industry experience, or tackling a central scientific question or world issue.
Lectures and tutorials
Our modern lecture theatres are equipped with the latest audiovisual and computer-based teaching technologies. With over £2m invested in new state-of-the-art capture and multimedia management systems, you can access video and audio recordings of many of your lectures and activities through the University’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).
Small-group teaching tutorials encourage the development of essential transferable skills necessary for your future career.

Academic Facilities
Academic facilities
You’ll have access to a diverse range of incredible facilities situated in contemporary, inspiring and well-equipped learning environments. This includes a cutting-edge University smart farm, plant science growth suites and numerous laboratories.
Our vast libraries are complimented by almost 4,000 study spaces, from silent individual study to vibrant group work areas. All of our libraries feature extensive computer facilities and are wireless-enabled throughout for your mobile devices.
Science and society
As part of your final-year research project, you can take part in the Science and Society initiative.
Students are invited to take research conundrums and ethical dilemmas into schools for pupils to grapple with, engaging young people with the Faculty’s research whilst also developing key skills.

Supporting our students
Supporting our students
Your personal tutor and the Student Education Office are there to ensure you get the most out of your time at Leeds. Our dedicated team is commited to making sure your transition to university life is as smooth as possible.
Our commitment to your wellbeing is reflected in our students' satisfaction, the University of Leeds scored 86% student satisfaction in the latest NSS survey.