Undergraduate summer studentships

Are you interested in working in a Research Laboratory?
The call for applications for summer 2025 projects is now open. The deadline for applications is Thursday 6th February 2025 at 5pm.
The Faculty offers opportunities to work in research laboratories, often during the summer vacation. This type of experience is ideal if you are thinking of continuing with a career in research after graduating, or if you would like to find out what research is all about.
Under the schemes the laboratories offer experimental projects in a wide variety of subject areas, lasting up to 8 weeks. The stipends available are approximately £270 per week.
This year, the Faculty will be supporting the annual call for the Dean's Vacation Research Scholarships. Please see below for more information. In addition to this call, we hope to offer projects on a rolling basis throughout the year. Please reguarly check this page for updates.
Eligible Students:
Science Students and Medical Students between the end of their second year and the end of their penultimate year (but not intercalating students). Please note that students currently in their first or final year are NOT eligible to apply.
Only students registered at a UK university are eligible to apply
Closing date: Thursday 6th February 2025 at 5pm
Applications Procedure:
Please send your application by email, selecting one or two projects in order of preference, to fbsbusiness@leeds.ac.uk.
Please note that you are able to apply for a maximum of two projects.
Students are chosen for placements by competition, so your application should consist of a curriculum vitae and letter including;
- The title(s) of the the project(s) you are interested in. You may apply for more than one project, but please list in order of preference
- Your school and university courses and grades to date
- A statement of your career aims and how you might benefit from a Scholarship
- The name, address, phone number and email addresses of two referees, preferably your tutors