Sport and Exercise Sciences Facilities
Exercise Training Laboratory
Exercise Training Laboratory
We have a dedicated laboratory for the completion of exercise training interventions as part of research projects.
Housed within the Exercise Training Laboratory, we have a number of low start-up load, highly accurate upright cycle ergometers that are integrated with stress ECG and pulmonary devices.
This allows us to conduct training sessions for up to three research participants at any one time. In addition, we use a BTE Eccentron to compare and contrast the cardiovascular, pulmonary and musculosketal responses to eccentric exercise vs. concentric exercise.
Ultimately, using the Eccentron we can determine the efficacy of eccentric exercise training on cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary health in a number of different populations.
Key equipment: Lode Corival cycle ergometer (×3); BTE Eccentron; MGC Diagnostics Ultima CPX metabolic stress testing system.
Contacts: Professor Stuart Egginton (