Enterprising future

Enterprise Discovery Modules
If you’re interested in developing your business ideas, we are keen to support you in that. You’ll be able to choose from a number of credited enterprise modules which you can take as electives under the Enterprise and Innovation discovery theme.
These innovative modules aim to enhance your transferrable skills, such as commercial awareness, creative problem-solving and team working, which will help you stand out to potential employers in the future.
Spark is a university-wide scheme, that helps students at the University of Leeds set up their own businesses by offering advice and help on funding and grants, writing a business proposal and mentoring young entrepreneurs. Get in touch with the university's dedicated Spark team for more information.
Previous students from the Faculty of Biological Sciences who have started businesses through Spark include:
William Shaw, PhD in The effects of ageing on our control of movement
“I set up the site 16 months ago mainly because I was so sad with the poor advice golfers were getting via magazines and online. Also, I wanted to challenge myself to keep applying concepts that we teach and research in the labs. Golf Insider UK, is a website that takes sport performance concepts that we teach in our undergraduate sport science programme and combines them with golf coaching to provide great information for golfers wishing to improve."
Fridaos Abdulrauf, BSc Biotechnology with Enterprise
"I set up my own business called SparTix, with a colleague of mine. The platform enables students to re-sell and purchase tickets to sold out events in a more secure and reliable way rather than through Facebook. We were awarded a scholarship of £2500 from SPARK"
Rachel Djangmah
"I have been concerned about the problem of plastic and plastic waste. So I decided that I wanted to start a business that focused on reducing our everyday reliance on plastic. So I created 'The SAO Store' to provide alternatives to household goods such as cling films and foils. I chose Beeswax Food Wraps as I thought it would be an easier swap for someone starting out to reduce plastic use."