Instruct HDX Workshop

HDX-MS and -NMR equipment

Instruct-ERIC workshop on hydrogen/deuterium exchange studied by mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

Aims of the course and course outline:

Hydrogen/deuterium exchange (HDX) methods are powerful tools to interrogate protein structure and dynamics, conformational changes, ligand binding and protein-protein interactions. HDX is a key player in integrative structural biology pipelines, and can provide complementary insights to other structural data, including those from electron microscopy, crystallography and SAXS. Either mass spectrometry (MS) or solution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is used as an analytical tool to measure the uptake of deuterium in such structural studies, with each approach having distinct advantages and disadvantages. In this workshop you will build both theoretical and practical knowledge on HDX-MS and HDX-NMR, providing you with the skills to implement these technologies in integrative structural studies.

The aim of the course is to teach the latest developments in HDX approaches coupled with MS and solution NMR. The 4-day theoretical course (Week 1) will be a mixture of lectures, tutorials and research talks to provide an overview of HDX theory and describe modern HDX-MS and -NMR developments. We will particularly focus on the advantages and limitations of specific approaches for different systems and discuss how you can use HDX-MS and HDX-NMR to obtain detailed information about challenging systems that would be otherwise inaccessible. You will also be provided with a detailed guide to sample preparation for different HDX-MS and HDX-NMR approaches. In Week 2 of the course, you will complete two days of “hands-on sessions” to build practical skills on MS and NMR for HDX data acquisition and analysis. The aim is that after the course, you will have all the necessary skills to apply both MS and NMR HDX approaches to challenging systems: from independent sample preparation to running experiments and analysing data. There will also be opportunities for you to discuss your research with experts, and receive advice on how HDX-MS and/or HDX-NMR could be used to address your own biological problem.

This course is suited to early career researchers (postgraduate students, postdoctoral research fellows) with either no or limited experience with MS, NMR or other structural biology techniques, and an interest in applying hydrogen-deuterium exchange methods.

Please note that this workshop will be delivered remotely.

To participate you will need:

You will need a computer/laptop to be able to participate in this remotely delivered course. Further details of optimal computer requirements and software that should be installed will be communicated prior to the course.


Dr Anton Calabrese



James Ault, Anton Calabrese, Frank Sobott, Anastasia Zhuravleva, Arnout Kalverda, Theo Karamanos, Jenny Tomlinson, Alex Breeze (University of Leeds)


You can access a preliminary program here. A final programme will be available nearer the course.

Key Dates

Submission of course applications: 6 June 2021

Communication of application outcomes: 7 June – 11 June 2021

Course dates: 21 June – 2 July 2021


Registration is free for all attendees.

16 places are available on this course to enable small groups of students to work with instructors.

Fill in your application here.

This course is funded by Instruct – ERIC and will be hosted by the Astbury Biostructure Laboratory’s Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facilities.

Instruct-ERIC and Astbury logos